- Details
- Category: Uncategorised
- Published: Monday, 07 November 2016 13:41
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 16278
- "Power quality based key performance indicators for the design of the control schemes in DC microgrids", 2016 Microgrids Symposium, Niagara Falls, Canada - 19-20 Oct 2016. Presentations are available here:
- "Analytical derivation of PQ indicators compatible with control strategies for DC microgrids," Proceeding of the IEEE PES PowerTech, 2017, Manchester. The latest version of the paper can be downloaded below.
- "Power flow formulation for LVDC microgrids with nonlinear load models," Proceedings of the IEEE ICDCM, 2017, Nurnberg, Germany. The latest version of the paper can be downloaded below.
- "Online optimization of a multi-conversion-level DC home microgrid for system efficiency enhancement", Elsevier Journal Sustainable Cities and Societies, vol. 35, pp. 417–429, Nov. 2017. The latest version of the paper can be downloaded below.
- "Resilient prosumer scenario in a changing regulatory environment – the UniRCon solution", Energies Journal, vol. 10, no. 12, p. 1941, Nov. 2017. The paper is provided as open access at:
- "Optimal capacity planning and scheduling of BESS serving commuities resilient to regulatory changes", 2017 Microgrids Symposium, NewCastle, Australia - 28. Nov 2017. Presentations are available here:
- "Business models for a campus-scale demonstrator for DC resilient communities", Proceedings of the European Conference Aachen DC Grid Summit, April 2018. Poster can be downloaded below.
- "Real-time optimal scheduling for prosumers resilient to regulatory changes", Proceedings of the IEEE EnergyCon Conference, June 2018, Limassol, Cyprus. The latest version of the paper can be downloaded below.
- "Adaptive distributed EMS for small clusters of resilient LVDC microgrids", Proceedings of the IEEE EEEIC Conference, June 2018, Palermo, Italy. The latest version of the paper can be downloaded below.
- "Resilient DC LV communities – UPB demonstrator", 2018 Microgrids Symposium, Bucharest, Romania - 3-6 Sept 2018. Presentations are available here: